Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Europeans continue to embrace the warm handmade - "Pop off your walls" art of Curtis Jere.  

This recent entry on the blog of Spanish magazine "Mudd" translates to:

When I discovered this American talent, I was surprised that there was little information about the artist and his work. The company Artisan House was the true author of the sculptures, supervised under the direction of American artist Jerry Fels and Curtis Freiler that around the 50s, decided to combine their first names (Jerry and Curtis) referring to the name Curtis Jeré art in order to provide the broad masses of metal art design and quality.The result is spectacular large sculptures and a highly developed design, characterized by the Californian spirit of the early twentieth century, as quoted today and is arousing much interest in recent years...Tensioning, crimping, heat and weld metals such as bronze or brass and then cover them with bright patina techniques such as enameling or use of the resin were the traditional processes with which they came to get these coveted wall sculptures mid- century.   http://www.muudmag.com/spa/pagina/495-Curtis-Jere


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